Current Reality vs Greater Vision | a lesson

WARNING: This is probably theeeee looooongest email I've written in a long ass consider a quiet cozy spot with a coffee, tea or wine when you read it. When you do, reply and let me know how it touched you and if you prefer long form emails or my shorter writings...I'm curious about it all.

Alas, we have a new president of the United States of America...and yes, I had to come back and rewrite the intro of this email to acknowledge this new (great for some, not so great for others) news.

But as I said two emails ago, regardless the upcoming presidency and leadership of this country, my focus is to continue healing, helping, elevating and leveling up my life and those I am blessed to serve and be in community with.

Soooo there's that on that, mmm kay? mm kay!

But let's not lie or so quickly forget how excruciating it's been sitting, waiting and wondering about the outcome of this election...and the fate of this country, our lives. As farfetched as it may seem, freedom can be taken and given away so quickly and so easily, and these last 4 years have shown us what is so fragile...

...but also what power we hold
...and also how much more work needs to be done

...because the past is so very present now, and is absolutely affecting our futures.

I walk as a member of many different communities, belonging to a few different philosophies on life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. As a descendent of both enslaved folks brought to 'murica and colonizing settlers who owned them in order to build a life they most desired, I'm often called to zoom out and see the bigger picture of patterns and trends repeating themselves so I can work out the conflict through the details.

As without, so within.
As above, so below.

I like to think it's an ancestral gift tenderly cultivated into maturity through my years as a market researcher studying human behavior and cultural trends, and my many nights sitting in ceremony and speaking with the higher beings about the movements of this human life we live.

I've been hanging out in my queen cave, reflecting on a few contradictions I see in culture, in my communities, within my own life, and came to a great realization:

When we rest in our current reality, we drown in a sea of grief, frustration, rage and hopelessness.
When we run for the great vision, we miss the nuance and details needed for foundational change, reverence and understanding.


When we sit in the two—day to day, moment to moment—holding what is real now and smushing as close as possible what is deeply desired on the horizon, we start to create change and transformation from the inside out.

What does this look like you wonder? I gotchuuuuu!

Here's an example:

Earlier this week I advised a client of mine (with the help of her spirits and ancestors) to notice the daily rituals of her life that actually contradict what she deeply and truly wants: Happiness and Freedom* (to choose)

Might seem simple, but believe you me, magic is always in the mundane.

More often than not, we're moving through life on autopilot, missing the opportunities to conjure what we want while we rest in waiting energy (which is quite different than allowing or expecting energy).

And even more true is that not only are we moving on autopilot, we're running programs from the dead folks who came before us...


Each day we deal with hundreds of energies within and outside ourselves without ever really taking a moment to understand what we're working with, who we're yielding to, how our power is being worked and overtaken, and where these energies are moving us, either deeper into our current reality, or to level up into our greatest desires, visions, callings...

The agony comes when we feel stuck between the two, not wanting to settle into what is, not quick stepping into what can be and not conscious or empowered enough to realize we're sitting in the most magical moment of transformation.

What is really a pregnant pause in the greater scheme of things feels like an eternity of inner turmoil, doubt and pain that we so desperately want to get out of...

BUT there is no way to run through quicksand

There is no short cut around needing to humble self, submit to help, gain other perspectives and reflect on the unfolding happening

There is no way to rush realizing your own patterns of self sabotage and/or those you've inherited from your folks (💣)

And there absolutely is no quick fix for the REST needed in order to have GAINS and GROWTH


We must LET GO in order to RISE.
We must REST in order to GROW.
We must SURRENDER to truth in order to take control responsibly and sustainably.
We must ENVISION a different us in order to open up to and take action on new ways of existing.

Birthing what you want, stepping into who you are, braving unchartered waters, creating a new world and leveling up / deepening into your purpose is not a joke ya''s serious, healing business actually.

And since my work works on at least** three different levels—personal, familial and cultural—it requires us to learn how to sit in ceremony and live in ritual for the process of stabilizing, healing and becoming.

a mini lesson:

Living in Ritual™ is a process of becoming aware of current energies working with you, analyizing your current behaviors and changing whatever is needed for the desired a daily practice. When you live in ritual regularly, life becomes a ceremony of reverence, tending, witnessing, and yes, expecting (not waiting).

Sitting in Ceremony™ is my way of describing what happens in actual spiritual ceremony and translating that to everyday lived life for miracles, transformation, and healing over time.

I don't know about ya'll but I've sat in hella ceremonies since childhood—hell, Sunday church was always a 7+ hour situation and we were no stranger to revivals going into the wee hours of the morning. I even used to bring homework, snacks and a change of clothes...nothing has changed about this prep work btw.

When you sit in ceremony, you learn how to get comfortable with being uncomfortable.
You learn how to maintain the energy / energies present while tending to your basic human needs.
You practice (constantly) tending to spirit and the desired outcome not knowing when it will be done or when the "move" or quickening will happen...
You understand the "layers" of rituals needed, and for what reasons, to open, tend and close the process.

BOTH are needed in order to connect with new energies to guide your life's upleveling—moving you/us from current reality to the greater vision.

Here's what gets me...

We love these thoughts when it comes to personal development (to gain confidence, self-trust, self-awareness, clarity, etc) and business development (to attract new clients, reach financial goals, gain recognition, walk away from day jobs, create generational wealth, etc), but we completely leave these concepts on the back door when it comes to cultural conflicts, generational and ancestral healing, trauma healing, relating to one another, reconciling and taking responsibility.

Some of us are living our ancestors' dreams.
Some of us are still their prayers coming into existence.
Lots of us are unhappy and unfulfilled regardless which (or both) of these we belong to.
And all of us are carrying their unprocessed shit, blunders, hurts, harms, pains and limitations.

So, before this gets toooooo much longer, here's a prompt for you:

  1. What current reality are you sitting in?
  2. What greater vision do you hold for yourself?
  3. What do you need to sit with daily to understand this period of your life?
  4. What new rituals would you like to invite in to begin shifting the energies and realities you're living?

While there are some tried and true technologies and ways of being that's gotten us this far,
none of us have come this far only to come this far which means we've got to evolve, adapt and work differently without forgetting what keeps us rooted, grounded and connected.

with love and devotion to my path

Ash xo

p.s. if this resonates, definitely share your WOWs, AHAs and ephipanies on the 'gram with the image below—I posted it yesterday. 🙏🏾

Update: My 2021 waitlist has closed. If you've just joined my email list, don't worry! We'll use this time to get to know each other a bit 😉You'll hear about how to work with me moving forward when I open the waitlist again and/or if/when a special opening unexpectedly occurs. These Insights + Inspiration newsletters will only be for sharing my words and announcements, and is transitioning to a new format to match that intention soon. Stay tuned!

*BTW if you don't want happiness, freedom and abundance through deep healing, coaching, strategy and accountability, you should most definitely unsubscribe RIIIIH NOW because that's what my work is about and I do it with the skills I've gained, credentials I hold and experiences I've lived in personal development, ancestral healing and conscious brand and business development. I also happen to be super uber fucking great at what I do (I know no one else who works in this way) and also never stop learning 🙌🏾 Everything I do ladders up to LOVE, cultural change and forward movement with courage, compassion and integrity. Period.

**my work also works energetically, and reaches across space, time, different planes and other planets but that's another convo for another time...

Ash Johns | In Relation Strategies LLC

Read more from Ash Johns | In Relation Strategies LLC

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