What I've been scared to tell ya'll.

Welcome new e-community members!👋🏾 😉 I'm looking forward to you getting to know me a bit through these kinda sorta weekly emails (and getting to know you too, so hit reply anytime! I always get back to folks personally eventually 😆).

Insights + Inspiration newsletters are where I get to share my words, thoughts and announcements and is soon to transition to a new format for even more insights, inspired action prompts and shares from my life and path to yours. So welcome again and stay tuned, everyone!

This is a long one, so sit back, get comfy and lean in my friends, fam and followers.
I'm so glad you're here with me on this one...

I was going to name the subject of this email "A few (great) reasons to unsubscribe." and then I realized I was being dramatic (lol) while also projecting my fears. Grateful I've done (and continue doing) "the work" to see these things for myself.

It takes practice that's for sure.

Truth is, I am scared to see just how many of you unsubscribe after reading this here newsletter. And have been for quite some time. So every week, while I'm slow to respond to your email replies (but don't stop sending them, I promise I'll get there and I really do love them!), I do check to see EVERY TIME I EMAIL who opens, who clicks and, of course, who unsubscribes.

And yes, even my mind starts to wander / wonder...

"Did I not fully explain what I meant? That's why they left."
"Was I not clear? Did they not feel my heart and depth of knowledge?"
"Am I not helping, causing more harm and am misinformed, therefore misunderstood?"

We all have different fears and thoughts about our call to serve...and dreams...and passions, that stop us from taking the step forward into those things.

But it's come time to air my "dirty" laundry for my next next NEXT level up (there have been so many lately) instead of doing what all the motivational speakers say to do—and that I've already mastered so well—which is to do "it" (whatever "it" is) while being afraid.

So here it all is folks. Here's most of all that I've been afraid to tell ya'll:

I've been scared to shared with ya'll how much I really do love when I live my routine of writing this email newsletter. It truly is a part of my brain and heart going directly to yours (hopefully) on a kinda sorta regular basis. BUT I've come to believe unsubscribes mean I'm not doing a good job expressing my brillance or what I know to be true, both in this physical world and also in the spiritual realm. I've attached a deeper (mostly and prolly untrue) meaning to unsubscribes that don't support or serve my calling or my desire to express and share.

I've been scared to really DECLARE that I do believe in, desire to experience and therefore work towards equality of humans, equity amongst all races and starting with Black folks in 'murica, harmony, understanding and, yes, LOVE in a way that allows the past to be the past and the future to be so much brighter. I'm scared to say I believe in this collective evolution that's happening and that we're in a dawn of a new age on this Earth, never before seen or experienced, because folks will think I'm all love n' light and woo woo. And so I stay in the depths of the work instead of showing up to share it for the ultimate outcome I'm working towards and will never get to fully live the results of in this lifetime.

I've been scared that my healing and coaching work will be called out (I've even fantasized about orchestrating my own social media call-out debacle just to get it out of the way...stay tuned...) since that seems to be all the rave on the internets these days. Everyone loves a knee-jerk reaction. No one likes to sit in the discomfort of dialoguing and exploring what harms are actually being committed on both ends of the table. Call me out, then call me into a zoom call to mediate—it's actually one of my spiritual super powers underused. I won't debate but I will help us heal it out in the deepest levels we can go.

I've been scared to share how I see the both sides of liberation needed in order to make change, shift these personal and cultural dynamics, and transform the ways in which we relate to each other and ourselves in this society.

I've been afraid to say I disagree with blanket statements, phrases, words and movements such as white fragility, privilege, ancestral healing, Black Lives Matter (and they do), spiritual bypassing and so much more, because without mediation and navigating the tangly webs of history, programming and trauma in a nuanced and concentrated container, we, in these huge blanket statements, continue to perpetuate the very things that we want to stop causing harm and to get free from. I appreciate spirals and cycles that deepen, but I'm a hard no for passing poison and skipping the healing needed for the greater shift inside us and the collective.

I've been afraid to say that while I appreciate the uptick in followers, folks knowing my name and respecting my crafts, I deeply wish for less "following" and more engaging, exploring and figuring out for ourselves, together. For when we follow, we so easily give away our power...and then even more so easily blame and become victims to those who chose not to. (👈🏾 reread that) I guide, I don't save. I shed light, I don't fight for people's freedom, growth and abundance more than they are willing to lean in and be vulnerable with me.

I've been afraid to say that I am not your [insert African Traditional Religion name here] priest or priestess, and yet my initiations and trainings work...and I have the receipts to prove it. That while there are levels to this healing shit, the technologies I have been trained in, channel, and hold dear serve in a different and much needed way, and that deserves respect none different. I've been afraid to say that I'm not interested in arguing or challenging any dogma around this, that we all have our roles and we get where we both want to be when we work together.

I've been afraid to say that I feel and see Black trauma and White trauma and Asian trauma and HUMAN traumas and all the myriad of ways they manifest malignantly in our minds, bodies, emotions, energy fields, lineages, politics, relationships, businesses, in our individual lives and global collective. No instagram post or email newsletter will ever summate what happens—all the healing on so many levels—when we open up the channels preventing you from taking the leap to live your life the way you were called to in this lifetime in a container designed to do so.

I've been afraid to share with ya'll that I grow so fucking tired of social media (even though I'm so good at it when I wanna be and it's allowed us to find each other, our people, our community, our healers), because it's continuing to train us to consume like robots and forget our humanity and need for authentic, vulnerable connection (that's why I'm so real in these emails, shiiiiit I NEED this space!). Furthermore, social media continues to make us think we're doing the work...but we aint. #sorrynotsorry

On that note, I've been afraid to share that bouncing from healer to healer for readings is hardly healing work, in my respectful, humble opinion. The healing is when you apply and live the learnings out and shift starts to happen, not when we you get message, btw.

I've been afraid to share how much it saddens me, and simultaneously inspires me for all the work that's needed, to see how closely some of us clinch to and clutch our limiting beliefs and trauma identities because that's all we've ever known for so long now. [side note: YOU ARE NOT YOUR TRAUMA, unless you want to be]

👉🏾 I've been afraid to say that I will not help you argue for your or your ancestral / ancestors' limitations, nor will I help you rest in trauma informed care at the expense of your healing informed praxis (shout out to my IG follower mexicaboogie for sharing these affirming words about my most recent post). This is the reason I've decided to remain a "healing coach" rather than a licensed psychologist—I want and expect visible change (tangible and intangible) to happen in the lives of the folks I'm blessed to work with, and as a result of seeing this over and over again, I've grown to require it (respectfully and at the pace of the person and their people of course).

👉🏾👉🏾 I've been scared to tell ya'll that more than fighting for liberation, I want to see us striving to live our freedom and abundance now. Yes, these are not either / or. And I bet with reflection, some more of us can stand to sharpen our focus and redirect our energies towards what's needed and desired from our dreamstate instead of trying to convine the world to change or see you/us. When we do, the heavy lifting is on the healing not the fighting. #isaidwhatisaid

I've been afraid to tell ya'll that I am both courage and compassion, water and fire, down here but from up there, and I call all the beings into council when I work. Yes it's practical in results and application, but the otherworldly shit we get to do together can't be described so easily—something I'm finally relaxing to accept and revel in instead of holding back in fear that I'll be misunderstood or depleting all my energy giving so much to prove it.

My friends, followers, fam and new folks, this is my phoenix rising moment.

If you choose to stay, there will be so much more I will choose to share about the great work of healing, guiding, coaching and consulting for our freedom, abundance and cultural change—but for now, I'm gonna skadoddle to a beautiful full moon dinner at the beach and praise my Higher Self, Guides, Ancestors, Protectors and my entire support team of healers, coaches, elders and assistants who helped me get here today.

So here's your INSIGHT TO ACTION:

While we're in this Gemini lunar eclipse energy today and tomorrow (with all the air, ideas, spontaneity, intelligence and adaptability energies around, and so more...) consider what fears you've been holding and are ready to release into the winds of change NOW.

Because it's time.

And not to be on some psychic shit, buuuuuut, if you miss this release, don't be looking at nobody but yourself for choosing to stay stuck another eleven-teen hundred thousand year lifetimes in the same mess. (written with love ❤️).

Leap with me and everyone else who isn't afraid to show up with and in their truth to become a whole lot lighter for their next level. I promise you won't be alone.

with love and devotion to my path

Ash xo


Next week's newsletter is gonna be soooooooo good. So don't miss it (and tell ya frieeeeeends and ya frienemiiiiies lol to sign up!)

Missed all of November's newsletters or wanna catch up? Here ya go right here. Also if this convertkit link doesn't properly work (we're trying new things over in Team Ash Inspires, don't worry, here ya go, and also, this one, that one and finally here ya go to catch up manually.

p.s. have you noticed the number of times I wrote both above? It takes oppositon to sit at the table to find a new way out and forward...if that's what we want...whether that's what's in conflict internally or externally, and especially in cultural conflicts within our relating.

Ash Johns | In Relation Strategies LLC

Read more from Ash Johns | In Relation Strategies LLC

Hello fans, friends, family, followers, and (a few) foes ('cause le't be real 😅)! Happy New Moon in Capricorn and welcome to the new year, again, again lol We're in the second wave of starting 2021 and I just wanna say, well type, "me oh my what a muh'fuckin kick off!" Am I right, or am I right? Since 'murica continues to crumble while simultaneously showing her ass to the world, I've been tucked away watching, listening and wondering what it all really means for US... ...you know, those of...

WARNING: This is probably theeeee looooongest email I've written in a long ass time...so consider a quiet cozy spot with a coffee, tea or wine when you read it. When you do, reply and let me know how it touched you and if you prefer long form emails or my shorter writings...I'm curious about it all. Alas, we have a new president of the United States of America...and yes, I had to come back and rewrite the intro of this email to acknowledge this new (great for some, not so great for others)...

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