I hope your flowers bloom πŸŒΉπŸŒΌπŸ¦‹




Earlier this month, I shared about the importance of honoring (and leaning into) the redeath cycle and the unique pace of our path of becoming. And like any other great healer, coach and leader knows, what we share with the world is often a message received ourselves.

I've worked with many a healer in my days on this Earthβ€”some of totally different cultural backgrounds than I, races, ages, beliefs, abilities... some I apprenticed and lived with, and some I haven't even seen their face (like at all) or know where they live. All have given and continue to offer me the lessons I need in living, teaching and guiding in my purpose. Sometimes those lessons have been wonderful and well received, and others have been worse than swallowing a horse with horns on its head.

Nonetheless, I always receive exactly what I need / needed.

As a result, I've been able to lean into building and living a life of my dreams, aligned in my purpose, and ever-evolving in my brillance...and am still willing and able to share that greatness with ya'll!

Just yesterday after sitting with my own team, I took inventory of all I've become and have been able to share with my ever-expanding communities and world, coming to this very humble conclusion:

I am the shit.
Like really...I am, ya'll.

Having experienced all that I have, held space for all the folks that I have, woven all these different modalities from across the world into my own alchemical process of ancestral healing, personal empowerment and generational wealth building, the original threads of my spirit and existence...and with the RECEIPTS to show the impact and transformations...

....I know no one with my kind of magic.

And it;s about time I get to tootin' my own damn horn, 'cause I've earned it
and continue upleveling to hold it. (πŸ‘ˆπŸΎthat's a WHOLE WORD if you missed it πŸ‘€)


I started my healing business by sharing my own journey of being unafraid to lean into the unknown and willing to challenge everything to unlock my everything, with the premise that healing isn't a one-size-fits-all process. As such, I've absolutely despised the "healing" courses and personal development programs that promised an immediate outcome for such a sacred unwinding and rethreading that isn't linear for any one of us.

I cringed when folks would come to a consultation demanding for certainty and healing, forgetting that they and their spirit team of ancestors, guides and higher self are the real healers, and that I'm just the facilitator helping you navigate, escavate and cultivate your truth with my expertise, skill and keen eye of knowing.

And somewhere along the way, I think I let those deep, foundational truths not live so prominently (and BOLDLY) in how I show up, share and interact with folks...but that's changing.

I stopped hosting retreats in Bali simply because of the number of emails I'd receive from sister-guests who were sad and scared that they'd "lost" what was unlocked while since returning home, which led me into spiritual coaching...or rather integration, congruence and unapologetic integrity to BE what you know, regardless location and who's watching.

Living the healing.

Walking the path uncovered.

Leveraging the awakening practically and day-to-day, moment to moment.

I'm grateful I don't sell my work. Folks already know what it is by my vibration, my energy, my blessings and the evidence shared via word of mouth. I'm honored my existence offers that sweetness to both me and those that trust my work to be included in their process of becoming...

BUT I do think I need to be celebrating and sharing that greatness more. I noticed that in holding and living the work, I forget it's often others' first time experiencing a multi-layered process and I forget to slow down to share the itty bitty detailsβ€”there is no aspect of life this work doesn't touch.

I'm in awe of it and that I get to be a custodian of my magic.

So, I write to share my beautiful reblooming, yet again with ya'll... some for the first time, and others...you already know.

with love and devotion to my path,

Ash xo

p.s. this is the song my inner child(ren) and spirits are vibing to regarding this whole (re)death and (re)bloom / (re)birth process. It's also my prayer for all of you reading this "loving-on-myself" message ❀️


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Here are some gifts and updates for you

I usually run the Make Space Challenge this time of year (and again in Spring) to lean into the cycle of change and the powers of the ancestors. This year, however, I decided to lean into my own death cycle HEAVY HEAVY, HARD HARD and not host this much loved mini-program. BUT WAIT.....you can still get into it if you want!The recordings are available for purchase here if you're interested in leading yourself through 8 days of clearing out dust and debris to make space for what you want and are ready for.
Here's what folks say about my
Make Space Challenge:

"Wow. Far too many epiphanies to count. It was a life-changing experience; and that is such a lack for better words. It was delicious, every day of the challenge."
"The Make Space Challenge was an experience my soul needed and yearned for, and I didn’t even know it."
"There is a renewed sense of peace regarding my transition and what I’m making space for. I feel more at ease and am learning to be more patient and compassionate with myself."
"A big epiphany for me was identifying the specific emotions that were blocking me energetically from what I want and have been sitting physically in my body."​

Ash's circle logo

​My waitlist for 2021 is almost full! If you're considering working with meβ€”in uncovering / articulating your purpose, deep personal and ancestral healing / blessing, and creating soul-aligned, generational abundance in your life, NOW is the time to hop on the list. I'll be reaching out soon to schedule consultations.

I'm speaking on the Reclaiming and Strengthening Our Culture (a Hoodoo panel discussion) this Saturday, October 31st with a slew of my community healers, sibs and Elders (@hess2love, @southernrootswombman, @mamaruehh, @brandsbybasnight, @thecayennehoney and more!). If you're Black and would like to join, click here for the IG post details and see ya then!





Ash Johns | In Relation Strategies LLC

Read more from Ash Johns | In Relation Strategies LLC

Hello fans, friends, family, followers, and (a few) foes ('cause le't be real πŸ˜…)! Happy New Moon in Capricorn and welcome to the new year, again, again lol We're in the second wave of starting 2021 and I just wanna say, well type, "me oh my what a muh'fuckin kick off!" Am I right, or am I right? Since 'murica continues to crumble while simultaneously showing her ass to the world, I've been tucked away watching, listening and wondering what it all really means for US... ...you know, those of...

Welcome new e-community members!πŸ‘‹πŸΎ πŸ˜‰ I'm looking forward to you getting to know me a bit through these kinda sorta weekly emails (and getting to know you too, so hit reply anytime! I always get back to folks personally eventually πŸ˜†). Insights + Inspiration newsletters are where I get to share my words, thoughts and announcements and is soon to transition to a new format for even more insights, inspired action prompts and shares from my life and path to yours. So welcome again and stay tuned,...

WARNING: This is probably theeeee looooongest email I've written in a long ass time...so consider a quiet cozy spot with a coffee, tea or wine when you read it. When you do, reply and let me know how it touched you and if you prefer long form emails or my shorter writings...I'm curious about it all. Alas, we have a new president of the United States of America...and yes, I had to come back and rewrite the intro of this email to acknowledge this new (great for some, not so great for others)...