Insights + Inspiration No. 1 | Let's Live + Leave Legacies

Hello fans, friends, family, followers, and (a few) foes ('cause le't be real 😅)!

Happy New Moon in Capricorn and welcome to the new year, again, again lol
We're in the second wave of starting 2021 and I just wanna say, well type, "me oh my what a muh'fuckin kick off!"

Am I right, or am I right?

Since 'murica continues to crumble while simultaneously showing her ass to the world, I've been tucked away watching, listening and wondering what it all really means for US... know, those of us who know things must change in order to be different AND are trying to figure out what needs healing in order to lead and live our lives the way we'd like—safely, with love, joy, abundance, community, connection and ease....for everyone.

...and those of us who know that we the people ARE the systems that need to change.

Yet, when we move towards change, our inner core shakes, jaws lock up and anxiety rises, right?

Yeah, I know ya'll. I had my own little "let's get ready to ruuuuuuummmmble" moment yesterday when the words of Spirit really hit my spirit.

Here's the insight:

2020 was for shocking us awake, shaking up the foundations, opening the soils so we can build anew.
2021 is for being focused, in flow, working together strategically,
to create our own futures of stability.
It's a year of healing families and connections, and further defining what relationship means.

We know this, but let me remind you:

No one's coming to save us.
And I'm not talking about the United States of America (only).

I'm talking about YOU, me, our day to day lives, our families, our hearts, our dreams, our desires, our connections, our thriving, our businesses, our resources....

Now is such a beautiful time and opportunity to dream into action.

To get crystal clear on how we wanna relate, the relationships we need and want (and don't), the energy of money we need and want (and don't), the careers / jobs / businesses we need and want (and don't), and make a plan for spirit to meet and co-collaborate with us in actualizing.

As I shared in Insights + Inspiration [Insiders] today—my paid subscription space for weekly writings, sharing, teaching and connecting for those who want to hear from and explore more deeply with me in-between newsletters—now is the time to create structures and call in support so we can build up and live into our legacies this year. We're all feeling the collective nudge, we just gotta BE ABOUT IT for real, for real.

Make what is spiritual in calling,
practical by planning.

Ironically, we're wanting to build legacies to enjoy now, knowing we'll be leaving them behind for others. AND in order to live into a legacy, we have to leave some things we inherited from our own lineages (and this society) behind right now, don't we? 🧐

Especially stuff like:

  • not wanting to be vulnerable
  • not trusting ourselves
  • believing we're disconnected
  • ignoring how interconnected we are
  • resisting collaboration
  • being distracted by being busy
  • living in competition
  • opting into belonging instead of leading (something I talk about in It's Still Happening, episode 04)
  • staying in fight or flight mode; defending the limitations of our humanity
  • making our traumas our identity (healing can happen ya'll, actually healing IS happening ya'll!)
  • and more....

Honestly, when I lean back and look at how good we're human-ing right now, all I see are the same patterns still happening...

If you want to journey with us this month and explore more, become a member of Insights + Inspiration [Insiders]. There's already some prompts up for ya to get the juices flowing!

Ok, onwards to Updates + Announcements (because I'm kiiiiinda late on these, sorry ya'll!):

  • First, WELCOME new subscribers 👋🏾! So glad we get to cross paths together! I hope you'll be 'round these parts for however long it serves, supports and inspires your healing and becoming. ❤️
  • THANK YA'LL for listening to It's Still Happening SO MUCH in these first 13 days since going liiiiive! To kick off the new year with this podcast and have over 500 listens already (in the year of FIVE) is heart warming. I'm grateful for your listens, support, shares and feedback—keep it coming! I love to see them on instagram especially 👀👀👀This podcast is 1-part service to the world and 1-part healing for me, and explores all things ancestral healing, personal development, conscious business and walking your path. Check it out, subscribe, leave a review!

  • I'm guest speaking at Camp Almost 30—a free virtual retreat hosted by the ladies over at Almost 30 podcast (I have an episode coming up with them, heads up!). It's this Saturday, January 16th so sign up if ya wanna vibe with me. I'm gonna be sharing about the Science + Spirit of Ancestral Healing.

  • Join me at 'Oracular Leadership' Summit, this Monday, January 18th! Leadership + Alignment Mentor Luna Isbell-Love has interviewed 22 speakers (including me 💕) about our spiritual business journeys and allowing ourselves to find and be moved into right action by something bigger. I shared some of my biggest challenges and successes along my path and you might wanna tune in to explore the following from the mouths of a bunch of leading ladies:
    • Getting clear on your definition of success
    • Attuning to your soul purpose
    • Cultivating courage and confidence
    • Trusting those “tiny whispers” or “little nudges”
    • Developing a work-life balance mindset
    • Magnetizing aligned clients and a thriving business while staying connected
    • Making your contribution while being nourished spiritually and financially
    • and so much more...

More to come, but until then...
may you do all things with courage and compassion.

with love and devotion to my path,

Ash Johns | In Relation Strategies LLC

Read more from Ash Johns | In Relation Strategies LLC

Welcome new e-community members!👋🏾 😉 I'm looking forward to you getting to know me a bit through these kinda sorta weekly emails (and getting to know you too, so hit reply anytime! I always get back to folks personally eventually 😆). Insights + Inspiration newsletters are where I get to share my words, thoughts and announcements and is soon to transition to a new format for even more insights, inspired action prompts and shares from my life and path to yours. So welcome again and stay tuned,...

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