
Ash Johns | In Relation Strategies LLC

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Insights + Inspiration No. 1 | Let's Live + Leave Legacies

Hello fans, friends, family, followers, and (a few) foes ('cause le't be real ๐Ÿ˜…)! Happy New Moon in Capricorn and welcome to the new year, again, again lol We're in the second wave of starting 2021 and I just wanna say, well type, "me oh my what a muh'fuckin kick off!" Am I right, or am I right? Since 'murica continues to crumble while simultaneously showing her ass to the world, I've been tucked away watching, listening and wondering what it all really means for US... know, those of...

Welcome new e-community members!๐Ÿ‘‹๐Ÿพ ๐Ÿ˜‰ I'm looking forward to you getting to know me a bit through these kinda sorta weekly emails (and getting to know you too, so hit reply anytime! I always get back to folks personally eventually ๐Ÿ˜†). Insights + Inspiration newsletters are where I get to share my words, thoughts and announcements and is soon to transition to a new format for even more insights, inspired action prompts and shares from my life and path to yours. So welcome again and stay tuned,...

WARNING: This is probably theeeee looooongest email I've written in a long ass consider a quiet cozy spot with a coffee, tea or wine when you read it. When you do, reply and let me know how it touched you and if you prefer long form emails or my shorter writings...I'm curious about it all. Alas, we have a new president of the United States of America...and yes, I had to come back and rewrite the intro of this email to acknowledge this new (great for some, not so great for others)...

Earlier this month, I shared about the importance of honoring (and leaning into) the redeath cycle and the unique pace of our path of becoming. And like any other great healer, coach and leader knows, what we share with the world is often a message received ourselves. I've worked with many a healer in my days on this Earthโ€”some of totally different cultural backgrounds than I, races, ages, beliefs, abilities... some I apprenticed and lived with, and some I haven't even seen their face (like...